Industrial Action Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May

26 April 2023

Dear Parent/ Carer 

As you are no doubt aware the National Education Union in England have planned to take further  strike action, following the break down in pay talks with the Government.   

Unless there is a change in circumstances the next days  of action are as follows  : 


Thursday 27th April  and Tuesday  2nd  May


To ensure that health and safety is maintained in school, based on the staff we expect to have available, we are writing again to give you advance notice  that both  Shenstone Lodge and The Brades Lodge Schools will be closed to MOST students on these days.

Students will be allocated school places, as before,  based on a safeguarding and vulnerability  scale previously used at the outset of the Covid pandemic. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider keyworker status as  a priority measure due to  our  severely reduced staffing levels.

The school will contact parents and carers of those to be offered a  school  place  by 3pm on Friday 21st April.  

If you are not contacted your child should not attend school on Thursday 27th April  and Tuesday  2nd  May  and you  will need to make any necessary childcare arrangements.

As things stand the action will not affect the Shenstone Lodge site residential trip to Whitemoor Lakes. If  there is a change to this position we will contact you as soon as possible. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Neil Toplass   Executive Headteacher

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